Old Town Theater Renovation and Expansion
Alexandria, VA
ODG prepared a design for the renovation and expansion of this historic structure to include a second theater. The original 4,000 gsf, single screen building was expanded to 5,500 gsf by enclosing the existing balcony and converting it into a second auditorium.
The design had to be delivered within a short timeframe in order for the Old Town Theater to open promptly. ODG responded rapidly and provided a Facility Condition Assessment with the engineers as part of Phase I of the work. Once the team’s recommendations and design were approved by the owner and the City of Alexandria, ODG coordinated with the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and structural engineers and prepared permit drawings. Work included interior design, space planning, code analysis, handicap accessibility, construction documents, fire safety compliance, and construction administration. ODG also coordinated with the City of Alexandria code review officials and with the Architectural Review staff. This project was completed in the Spring of 2007 with an estimated construction cost of $480,000.
Handicap Accessibility work included analysis of exiting, existing seating, and the design of additional seating for handicap guests.